Call for papers

Call for papers

Call for papers

The CTIC Program Committee invites the submission of contributions for the 2023 CTIC. Contributions are sought on a range of topics around aeronautic certification. These might include, but are not restricted to: project feedbacks, experiences related to application of standards on emerging solutions, industrial challenges in relation with the existing regulation …

We will particularly welcome submissions from Avionic companies or subcontractors about their practical experiences. This year, novelties & new challenges will be particularly highlighted : More electrical and green Aircraft, Artificial Intelligence, Data Security & Cybersecurity, Urban Air Vehicle and Mobility. However, the spirit remains the same: Certification of embedded HW, SW and Systems

Submissions fall into 2 categories:

A 20-25 minutes presentation at the conference followed by discussion. Selection will be made from initial submission of the abstract proposed using the form below.

If a workshop mode is more applicable for a topic, use the same form and describe what could be this workshop in your opinion, and who could/should be the contributors. Selection will be made from the abstract summarizing the objectives of the workshop and the proposed topics and contributors.

Abstracts/Proposal are expected before mid March 2023.

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